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Do you want to love teaching again?

Cathy Layton

Updated: Feb 18, 2022

Teaching has one of the highest rates of burn out in all the professions. Even more so recently, with the pressures of filling the gaps after home schooling, coping with the fall out of missed schooling, worrying about the mental health of the children you are teaching. Anxiety, sleep issues and feeling constantly exhausted are all signs that your mental fitness needs a boost.

During lock down Education Guru enrolled on the Positive Intelligence® (PQ) boot camp which took place over 6 weeks. This programme was inspiring and brought together many areas on mental wellbeing into an easily accessible enjoyable daily practice. We were so impressed with the PQ system we then went onto to become a Positive Intelligence® coach as we wanted to share this life changing programme with teachers to help them increase their mental fitness so they could carry on with their chosen vocation.

We invite you to come and find out more about PQ on our free online workshop on the 17th February at 7pm. Get in touch:



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