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Learn to Boost your Mental Fitness (PQ)

Cathy Layton

Mental Fitness is the X-Factor

If you’re not physically fit, you’ll feel physical stress as you climb a steep hill.

If you’re not mentally fit, you’ll feel mental stress, such as anxiety, frustration, or unhappiness, as you handle work and relationship challenges.

Coronavirus has impacted greatly on our personal & professional lives and the mental health of the children we interact with, leaving many of us exhausted, stressed, and close to burnout.

Upgrade your mental operating system to not just survive but thrive in these tumultuous times.

Learn to boost your Mental Fitness (PQ)

PQ (Positive Intelligence Quotient) is the measure of your Mental Fitness. It's the best predictor of how happy you are and how well you perform relative to your potential.

And the good news is: You can significantly boost your PQ with practice.

PQ is a synthesis of recent breakthroughs in neuroscience, cognitive and positive psychology, and performance science.

Breakthrough Results

Within 6-8 weeks of mental fitness training, MRI imaging shows:

Increased grey matter in the PQ Brain region, home to your Sage (positive mental muscles)

Decreased grey matter in the Survivor Brain region, home to your Saboteurs (negative mental muscles)

Leading to improved positivity, productivity and a calm, clear and happier mind.

“This has been the most impactful training I have ever experienced. You develop powerful mental muscles to deal with challenges with much less stress and greater clarity, creativity, and resilience” - Adam McGraw, Sales VP & GM, American Express

Want to Learn More?

As a Positive Intelligence Coach, I will support you to build your Mental Fitness empowering you to hit the personal and professional goals you thought were out of reach.

I invite you to a free online workshop on the 7th December 2021 6.30pm to introduce you to this powerful program created by Shirzad Chamine, Stanford Lecturer, CEO Coach.

Contact Hester Binge Positive Intelligence Coach from Education Guru for more information on how to join this FREE introductory workshop. Email: Tel: 07896101106



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